Deep in the Heart with Ayahuasca with Michelle Sorro

As you live deeper in the heart, the mirror gets clearer and cleaner.” - Rumi.

In today's dose #160, I share my recent experience during a plant medicine ceremony nestled in the Californian mountains. I had my first experience with Ayahuasca in Costa Rica in 2019, and last weekend, I was finally able to sit with the sacred medicine again to go much, much deeper.

After the past eight months of being steep in a radical deconstruction of who I BE (including a 7-figure coaching business that no longer aligns), this ceremony was a holy embodied experience that provided profound insights to help me navigate this season of undoing on both the macro and micro, and I believe will help you, too.

We are often caught in the relentless looping cycles of fear, shame, and grief that we try to numb with performing, proving, and planning, forgetting to live in the present moment and enjoy every little nuance life has to offer us.

You can’t foresee what will happen tomorrow, but you have everything within you to face anything when your heart is open and you're willing to receive the Divine realm always awaiting you. This is how we change the world, family... one conscious vibration at a time. Be free and sovereign.

Tune in to receive:

  • My first experience with plant medicine in 2019 (1:27)

  • August 6, 2021, the day my deconstruction began and how it's led me to this moment (6:10)

  • Profound insights from my Shipibo plant medicine ceremony (24:08)

  • My final takeaways (46:19)


  • Join Michelle on Telegram

  • Listen to Michelle’s Medicine Playlist

  • Connect with Michelle on Instagram


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