Michelle Sorro | Let Yourself Arrive

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However living through a pandemic has affected you, it’s fair to say this has been a time of massive transition. It’s shaken us from our old routines, and continues to show us who we really are inside the social and political upheaval worldwide.

It’s a daily reminder that change is the only constant in life, and the ability to withstand those changes is dependent upon your ability to ride the wave. That endurance comes from our ability to be true to our highest self, no matter the external circumstances. 

How do you honor transitions? Are you able to sit in the space of expansion? Can you fly off the edge and TRUST?

This week's episode is a personal life update.

I share what life has felt like lately, looking for my new home, especially after eight months of lockdown here in Los Angeles (and what seems imminent again), and the surprising alignment I’ve felt elsewhere through recent travels. and how I've been navigating both change and uncertainty while continuously being called back to the present moment.

Here’s to letting yourself arrive.

In This Episode You Will Learn:

  • Where dreams and divine intervention collide (7:35)

  • What it’s like coming out through the other side of darkness (12:27)

  • Deciding where to plant my future (18:35)

  • Defining what “home” means to you (23:39)

  • How to let yourself arrive (29:02)

  • Why periods of transition are gifts from the universe (34:04)

People Mentioned in this Episode:

Mark Groves

Brenè Brown

Evan Marc Katz

Resources Mentioned in this Episode:

Radiant Rest: https://www.shambhala.com/radiantrestpractices

Create The Love Podcast: Let Yourself Arrive

Episode 129: Dr. Erin | Transforming Trauma to Birth Your Purpose


Emily Williams | Start with Your Heart


Marci Shimoff | How to Be Happy for No Reason Masterclass with Marci Shimoff